To live a healthy life you need to first understand what our body needs, whether fuelling for Sport, Exercise or just everyday life.

  • Shannan Sheldrick - Physiotherapist

    Thank you energos for the nutritional program that you provided for my daughter to help her performance on her recent overseas competition. Eating the right foods is so important for performance and your expertise and knowledge of how and when to fuel was invaluable.

    Even more helpful was knowing and understanding the exact nutritional requirements that we required for my daughter to compete at a high level.

    Thanks so much again!

  • Adam Desmond - Binar Futures

    We are an organisation that uses Basketball as an engagement tool to help empower aboriginal youth.

    Our recent trip to Melbourne for Dandenong Junior basketball tournament we were extremely blessed to have energos support our young athletes with nutritious wholesome meals and snacks. This was very important for them to replenish their bodies after a very full on playing and travelling schedule.

    A big highlight for me was to see some changes in eating habits from being educated on what is good to eat and when.

    This is very important as a lot of the kidswe engage with have very poor nutrition intake or not a lot of knowledge in that area.

    We are very greatful for the support of energos.

  • Charlotte Bass - Australian National Swimmer

    Thanks so much Amanda for sharing your knowledge with us about Nutrition around racing and training.

    It's an area that can be really hard to navigate on your own and I now feel much more confident going into Nationals having an idea of how to fuel myself to perform over a multi day meet.

  • Thank you Amanda for the detailed nutritional advice for Pat’s diet, we have noticed a broader improvement in Patrick’s on court sustainability and also decrease in muscle tiredness.

    The understanding you have given us on what pre and post training foods to eat gives a clearer picture of what to prepare for the week.

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